Yup, I was kidnapped! (and loved every minute!) I'm back now though. :O)
This photo is just a simple pic shot from the ferry on the way out of Nanaimo (Vancouver Island. [ETA: Ooops, I mean out of Victoria, duh. Nanaimo was the ferry on the way there...] :O) I had the loveliest visit with Charles's parents. (They ROCK!) Charles & his Dad caught some gorgeous sockeye salmon (made for such an incredible dinner.) Later, Esther & I had some lovely time to relax together in Victoria. (I am SO very lucky to know such wonderful people! sighhhhh!)
It was just what we needed! We were really missing C's Dad, since we can't get over there nearly as often as we'd like to. I'm still struggling with being ill, and C is overworked... Life, right? Anywho, I just can't thank you enough for your patience while I've been away. I was really feeling burnt out and ultra depressed about being sick for so long. I have plans to keep at those Doctors... Respirologist...Naturopath...etc... until I'm well again, so please don't worry.
The short-term plan for summer blogging is 4 posts a week, so that I can keep trying to get some of my (non-craft) ducks in a row. I've never been much of a balancing act, LOL.
May your summer be joyful
& I hope to see you around blogland!

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