Sorry, no posts of late. Our Mouse is doing good. We were so worried about having her fixed, but she's recovering quite nicely. Just a lot of sleepless nights trying to keep her from pulling out the stitches. She can't lift the cone up to walk around because she's so wee. Poor thing. So I have to put it on & off for her to eat etc.
And I feel very safe in saying that I'm not exaggerating when I whinge that I have never been so ill in my life. I think it must be the flu or a bad virus. Feels like both.
Hope You're all doing much better than we are in this zoo ward.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next, but I have a whack
of Halloween stuff that I'll be heartbroken not to show Youse,
so hopefully before then...
Happy Crafting,

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